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    PERMASTORE TANKS & SILOS survey report

    Company Type:Supplier Export Data Update Time:2025-02-22 Origin: United Kingdom, All year 2015 Supplier Transaction record 2 item ,Importing country:Columbia

    HScode 2

    Times 2

    Amount 375595.41

    Parters 1

    Report:Analysis of market price 、trade partners chart、origin chart、loading、discharge chart and transaction details. It also provides company address contacts(Telephone,Fax,Mail,Website),the position of company employee、contacts and Email、and company background information(basic information of company、contacts、social account、keyman、information in network )。 If you collected the report, we would update it in time. Details >>

    Country Columbia Import
    Date 20151112
    Importer JORGE TRIANA Y COMPANIA S.A.S      
    Importer address CR 7 A 69 53
    Importer code 000000086000 Import customs area Cartagena
    Supplier PERMASTORE TANKS & SILOS      
    Shipper address EYE IP23 7HS,
    Shipper city SUFFOLK
    Origin united kingdom Loading country Turcas y Caicos, Islas
    HScode 7308100000
    HScode description DIM 2/2 DO0544-CT15 NOS ACOGEMOS AL DECRETO 0925 DE MAYO 09 DE 2013, MINISTERIO DE COMERCI
    Product description DIM 2/2 DO0544-CT15 NOS ACOGEMOS AL DECRETO 0925 DE MAYO 09 DE 2013, MINISTERIO DE COMERCITranslation
    Quantity 51034 Quantity unit KG
    Weight 51034 Total price(USD) 253677.95
    Unit price USD (quantity) 4.97 Unit price USD (weight) 4.97
    FOB price (USD) 247627.42 FOB unit price 4.85
    Freight 3146.05 Insurance 222.86
    Mode of transport Maritimo Carrier MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY COLOMBIA S.A.
    Analysis of market
    2015.01~2015.12 Trader has imported 2 times. The highest frequency is 2 times in 2015.11, the lowest is 0, which in 2015.01. 2015.02. 2015.03. 2015.04. 2015.05. 2015.06. 2015.07. 2015.08. 2015.09. 2015.10. 2015.12.
    The Supplier export to Columbia ,from2015.01 to 2015.12, trading record is 2, amount of trade is $375595.41. And has 1 trade partner.
    • 2
      HS Code
    • 2
    • 375595.41
    • 1
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    Analysis of Origin
    2015.01~2015.12 the goods are made in 1 countries,and 100%goods are made in United Kingdom.

    Origin charts

    Trade Partner
    2015.01~2015.12 the trader has trade partners.
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    Transaction Detail
    20151112 DIM 2/2 DO0544-CT15 NOS ACOGEMOS AL DECRETO 0925 DE MAYO 09 DE 2013, MINISTERIO DE COMERCI 7308100000 United Kingdom - -
    20151112 DIM 1/2 DO0544-CT15 NOS ACOGEMOS AL DECRETO 0925 DE MAYO 09 DE 2013, MINISTERIO DE COMERCI 8425110000 United Kingdom - -